Homicide crimes are punished at the highest capacity in California. Voluntary manslaughter is one of them; although not as severe as murder, it carries stiff penalties. These are the state’s laws on voluntary manslaughter. Understanding voluntary manslaughter...
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Science refutes bite mark evidence but courts lag behind
The validity of bitemark evidence has continued to face intense scrutiny and criticism in California, but the criminal legal system still hasn't been able to face the facts. Over two dozen of the people who have faced arrests or convictions because of evidence from...
Are plea deals always a good thing?
If you are charged with a crime in California, you are entitled to seek a trial. However, depending on the facts of your case, you may be offered a plea deal to settle the case outside of court. Although there may be many benefits to accepting a plea deal, some...
Cocaine laws and penalties in California
Cocaine is commonly made into powder from the leaves of the coca plant. Also called crack, it is a stimulant that is commonly injected or smoked. A person in California can face stiff penalties for possessing, trafficking or selling cocaine. Overview of California...
Putting car spying to the curb
New legislation requiring a warrant from law enforcement to access onboard vehicle computers for California motorists rolled into the House and Senate. It arguably closes an exploited gap in the Fourth Amendment that allowed information obtained from onboard computers...
Reviewing the Three Strikes Law in California
Offenders who receive a conviction under California's Three Strikes Law may be subject to extended prison sentences. Courts double the prison term establishing by state sentencing guidelines when a person receives a second felony offense after a past felony for...
What to do if law enforcement pulls you over
The most important thing to remember during a traffic stop is to remain calm. It is a stressful situation, even when you have done nothing wrong. What you do when law enforcement pulls you over can affect the outcome of the situation, both immediately and later if you...
What is embezzlement?
There are many forms of theft crimes, ranging from pickpocketing and shoplifting to burglary and grand larceny. One thing these crimes have in common is an element of trespass. They all involve someone taking something that belongs to someone else, without that other...
3 types of identity theft
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines identity theft as someone assuming an identity to perform a fraud or other criminal act. This information may come from a wallet, going through trash or hacking into banking information. Here are three types of...
Is it illegal to possess someone else’s prescription medication?
For many types of drug crimes, it is illegal to simply have the substance in your possession. Having the drug on your person or within your property creates the assumption that you were going to use that substance. However, when it comes to prescription drugs in...